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제26회 대한신경손상학회 정기학술대회


*2021 정기학술대회 : 5월 29일(토), 더케이호텔 애비뉴2층 금강홀

시간 프로그램 좌장
08:30-08:50 Registration
08:50-09:00 Opening ceremony
Opening Remarks
- 김세혁(대한신경손상학회 회장)
Congratulatory Remarks
- 김헌주(연세대 원주의대 명예교수)
09:00-09:40 Scientific Session Ⅰ 좌장: 권택현(고려대), 현동근(인하대)
Clinical significance of decompressive craniectomy bone size and site.
- 최성훈(가톨릭대)
09:10-09:20 Blood pressure elevation during apnea test in brain death patients
- 윤홍(인하대)
09:20-09:30 Clinical benefits of long tunneled EVD at the 2nd stage ventriculostomy in comorbid infection
- 오한산(한림대)
Missed Skeletal Trauma Detected by Whole Body Bone Scan in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury
- 오지웅(연세대)
09:40-10:40 Symposium Ⅰ: Debatable issues on Neurotrauma Care 좌장: 유도성(가톨릭대),
09:40-09:55 Therapeutic hypothermia
- 박은성(원광대)
09:55-10:10 Post traumatic epilepsy following TBI - Incidence, Diagnosis, Medication
- 박은석(울산대)
10:10-10:25 Clinical roles in an early rehabilitation program in TBI
- 장명훈(부산대 재활의학과)
10:25-10:35 Discussion
10:35-10:50 Coffee break
10:50-11:40 Symposium Ⅱ: Evidenced-Based Treatment
Literature Review & Big Data 활용을 통한 임상 연구
좌장: 조병문(한림대), 조원호(부산대)
10:50-11:10 Trusted evidence, Informed decision and Better health
- 김현정(고려대학교 근거중심의학연구소(Cochrane 연합 한국지부)
11:10-11:30 Claim Date(HIRA)를 이용한 big data 연구방법
- 경대성(한미약품㈜ 데이터사이언스팀)
1130-11:40 Discussion
11:40-12:10 Invited Lecture Ⅰ 좌장: 황선철(순천향대)
11:40-12:00 외상, 응급 질환 치료의 의료 사고, 분쟁, 소송 – 실제 사례를 중심으로
- 박균제(대한신경손상학회 고문변호사)
12:00-12:10 Q & A
12:20-13:10 Luncheon Symposium 좌장 : 정진환(한양대)
Best multi-modal drug for Neuro-recovery and Positive effect on BBB integrity
- 이종영(한림대)
New international Guidelines for motor rehabilitation and CAPTAIN-Meta
- 권순찬(울산대)
13:10-14:20 Invited Lecture Ⅱ 좌장: 김세혁(아주대)
13:10-13:45 Dilemmas and consensus for post traumatic Cranioplasty:Cranioplasty Using Three-Dimensional Printer and Polymethyl-Methacrylate Implant
- Prof. Virendra Deo Sinha(S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur, India)
13:45-14:20 Clinical benefit of Cranioplasty
- Prof. Guoyi Gao (Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, China)
14:20-15:00 Scientific Session Ⅱ 좌장: 황금(원주의대), 양희진(서울대)
14:20-14:30 Analysis of rebound intracranial pressure occurring during rewarming after therapeutic hypothermia in traumatic brain injury patients
- 노희승(울산대)
14:30-14:40 Artificial Intelligence Models for Predicting Prognosis of Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
- 김장훈(서울대)
14:40-14:50 Usefulness of Intraoperative ultrasound doppler in acute subdural hemorrhage patient
- 유남규(아주대)
14:50-15:00 Proper Decomprssive Craniectomy Surgical Indication for Major Cerebral Infarction Patients.
- 최성훈(가톨릭대)
15:00-15:20 Coffee break
15:20-16:20 Symposium Ⅲ: The Role and Timing of Surgery in Spinal Cord injury 좌장: 허원(부산보훈병원),
15:20-15:35 The Role and Timing of Surgery in Spinal Cord injury: Early Surgery
- 최일(한림대)
15:35-15:50 Delayed Surgery for SCI
- 이선호(성균관대)
15:50-16:05 Case presentation and brief guideline
- 정제훈(순천향대)
16:05-16:20 Discussion
16:20-17:10 Scientific Session Ⅲ 좌장: 김인수(계명대), 이상구(단국대)
16:20-16:30 A comparative analysis of the severity and treatment results of isolated severe traumatic brain injury and isolated severe extracranial injury patients: Is head AIS system that reflects the severity of brain injury and treatment outcomes?
- 윤정호(단국대)
16:30-16:40 Clinical Characteristics and Managements for Patients with Chronic Subdural Hematoma: A Retrospective Multicenter Study
- 정규하(고려대)
16:40-16:50 Associated Injuries in Spine Trauma Patients: a Single-Center Experience
- 유승한(부산대)
16:50-17:00 Gray ramus communicans nerve block for acute pain control in vertebral compression fracture
- 최일(한림대)
17:00-17:10 Efficacy of Antibiotic-Loaded Cement Augmentation for Correcting Low Grade Pedicle Screw Loosening
- 김슬기(조선대)
17:10-17:40 학술상 시상 및 발표
좌장: 김영수(토마스병원),
17:10-17:20 라미학술상 수상논문 발표 및 시상
17:20-17:30 다인학술상 수상논문 발표 및 시상
17:30-17:40 학술대회 최우수발표상 시상
17:40-18:00 General Assembly
18:00 Closing Remarks
서울시 서초구 서초대로 350, 407호(서초동, 동아빌라트2타운)

T. 02-523-6811 / F. 02-523-6812