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제26회 대한신경손상학회 정기학술대회


o 08:30 - 17:00 제29차 정기학술대회
o 17:10 - 20:00 창립30년 기념행사

시간 프로그램 좌장
08:30-08:50 Registration
08:50-09:00 Opening ceremony
Opening Remarks
- 정진환(대한신경손상학회 회장)
Congratulatory Remarks
- 박인성(대한신경외과학회 회장)
09:00-10:00 Scientific Session Ⅰ 좌장: 박윤관(고려대), 현동근(인하대)
Is the surgical treatment safe for chronic subdural hematoma in elderly patients? 김경민(인하대)
Efficacy of adjunctive tranexamic acid after surgical treatment of chronic subdural hematoma 김경환(충남대)
What kind of cranioplasty materials do you use? 강상묵(한양대)
Usefulness of trabecular CT attenuation measurement of lumbar spine in predicting osteoporotic compression fracture: Is the L4 trabecular ROI most relevant? 이병주(인제대)
Traumatic posterior atlantoaxial dislocation without related fractures of C1-C2 - Case report 오영민(전북대)
Anterior approach following intraoperative reduction for cervical facet fracture and dislocation 김동현(조선대)
10:00-11:20 Symposium 1
Updates of targeted temperature management in CNS injury
좌장: 황금(원주의대), 유도성(가톨릭대)
Pathophiology and neuroprotection mechanism of TTM
Target-temperature, duration and technics
- 조광욱(가톨릭대)
Clinical applications in neurosurgery
- 윤정호(단국대)

TTM in pediatiric CNS injury
- 김경훈(서울대 소아청소년과)
11:20-11:40 Coffee break
11:40-12:20 Invited Lecture 1 좌장: 정진환(한양대)
11:40-12:20 Response against severe TBI: Experience of level 1 trauma centers in Japan.
- Shoji Yokobori
(Department of emergency and critical care medicine, Nippon medical school, Tokyo, Japan)
12:20-13:10 Luncheon Seminar
좌장 : 황선철(순천향대)
13:10-13:40 학술상 시상 및 발표 좌장 : 김영수(토마스병원)
13:40-14:40 Symposium Ⅱ: The obstacle and overcome strategy of the spinal cord injury treatment 좌장: 김인수(계명대), 양희진(서울대)
The choice of scaffold for cell transplantation in lab and human
- 현정근(단국대 재활의학과)
Neuroprotective strategies for traumatic spinal cord injury
- 한인보(차의과학대)
The biologic markers for prognosis analysis
- 이창현(서울대)
14:40-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-15:40 Invited Lecture Ⅱ 좌장: 이상구(단국대)
국가대표 정하봉 소믈리에와 함께 떠나는 명품 와인의 세계
- 정하봉
15:40-16:40 Scientific Session Ⅱ 좌장: 권택현(고려대), 조병문(한림대)
Automatically diagnosing skull fractures using an object detection method and deep learning algorithm in plain radiography images 정태석(가천대)
Neuroinflammation accelerates the brain atrophy after hemorrhage stroke. 주성필(전남대)
Changes in brain oscillatory power induced by visual affective stimuli in mild traumatic brain injury patients with post concussional symptoms 노해원(고려대)
Intraoperative brain ultrasonography in traumatic brain injury patients with decompressive craniectomy: a comparison with postoperative computed tomography scan 이정환(부산대)
Utility of susceptibility weighted image as a evaluation tool of the prognosis of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy 김선엽(순천향대)
Analysis of nitrogen balance test in patients with traumatic brain injury 오지웅(연세대)
16:40-17:00 General Assembly
17:10-20:00 창립30년 기념행사, 비젼선포식 및 만찬
서울시 서초구 서초대로 350, 407호(서초동, 동아빌라트2타운)

T. 02-523-6811 / F. 02-523-6812

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